Something To Think About and Journal Notes




    If you do not take risks, you will never gain the next level, and are imprisoned in today.

     If you are meant to fail, at least fail greatly.

    The time will come when this time will be past, and you will live in the future you have prepared for today.

     Dare greatly.  Then build the present and live the future - today.

     Do not be pressed by the opinions of others.  Be brave in the face of danger.  Be fair, even to your debt.  Be kind when least expected; never forget that you are greater than no one but that no one is greater than you.  The life you live and how you choose to live will be favored in your memory.

                                                                                                              Roger Green, 2006


     I see America, not in the setting sun of a black night of despair ahead of us, I see America in the crimson light of a rising sun fresh from the burning creative hand of God.  I see great days ahead, great days possible to men and women of will and vision. . . .     

                                                                                                                  Carl Sandburg, 1878-1967

     Regardless of what is going on around you, make the best of what is in your power, and take the rest as it occurs.




    We’re living in a time when all things seem uncertain.  It’s easy to become upset and let fear enter our thoughts.  We don’t know from day to day if we’re going to be okay or will our family.  But as Epictetus said so many years ago, thousands actually, we cannot allow ourselves to be controlled by fear.  We must train our minds to understand that it is not events that can hurt, but our perception of the events.

     There are things that are within our control and things that are not.  When events occur that disturb our peace, stop and evaluate the event.  Is this within our control, or is it not?  If it is not, let it go and do not let it become a part of you.  Breathe deeply and allow your rational mind rest.  In most cases peace will return because you understand that there is nothing you can do to change it.

     If there is something that requires action, give your mind ample time to think about it rationally and then take the necessary action.  The main point is to never react to a situation, only act.  Reacting is usually knee-jerk and filled with too much emotion.  Overreactive emotions never end well.  When people are involved, no matter who they are, and emotions run hot, it is too easy to say things we don’t really mean.  It is better to remember that words verbalized are words that can never be taken away.  No matter how much apologizing, they are forever imprinted on the mind of the party inflicted.  That is then an action we must own for the rest of our lives.  How we treat others is the identity we attach to our character.

     I say these words now because fear is a deep-seated base emotion and can make people act in appalling ways.  Fear can lead to hate of other races, political persuasions, or religious differences.  These times we face right now are not new.  Looking back at history throughout the world, we must remember that they have happened before and will pass.  Everything changes and it is important to decide what kind of people we want to be when it is done.  I draw on the knowledge and wisdom of philosophers, religious leaders, emperors, or others who have lived before me and have left their words for my growth and comfort.  All I have to do is study and absorb.  There is peace to be found.  In the meantime, I will do my part to share what I have learned and help others if I can.